Paula Shortall

Paula Shortall

Membership: Standard


Open to paid and unpaid roles

Contact Paula Shortall

Introducing me by video

Why I'm interested in board roles.

What I believe I can contribute to a board

About Me

“I love playing sport, watching sport and being involved in my kid’s sports team.I’m lucky to live in a beautiful part of New Zealand in Central Otago in a landscape that offers so many opportunities to be active in an amazing outdoor environment. I have coached junior netball for the past 10 years and I currently serve on local netball and hockey committees and have seen the workings of community sporting organisations at the grassroots level and the amazing contribution local volunteers provide . Through my job as a physiotherapist I strive to provide a service that is client based and I’m extremely lucky to work with a wide age range of clients from preschoolers all the way through to older clients at the retirement village who attend my weekly exercise classes. Im very keen to continue my governance journey that started when I was elected on our local school Board of Trustees five years ago. ”


  • Governance
  • Fundraising
Industry/Sector Experience
  • Health/Medical/Pharma
  • Hospitality/Tourism
  • Sports/Recreation
  • Food & Beverage

Interest Areas

I am open to these organisations
  • National Sporting Organisations
  • Regional Sports Trusts
  • Other District/Zone/Regional level Organisations


I can be a voice for
  • Women
  • Younger members of the community
  • Individuals with a disability
  • Provincially based individuals

Special interest groups

Governance Profile


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